A brief note on news and upcoming events, updated 11th February 2025
The DashAstro AGM took place on 19 May 2024. We were treated to two excellent presentations : the first by one of our youngest members, Jack Young, and the second by Dr Matt Bothwell, Public Astronomer at the University of Cambridge.
We want to pay tribute to and remember our dear colleague, Jim Slight, who was our Secretary for 14 years, and have inaugurated the annual Jim Slight Memorial Award. This will be presented to the most deserving member each year and it was very pleasing to nominate Jack for the first award.
Here's Jack receiving the award from Matt Bothwell. Well done Jack!
Our next meeting takes place on Sunday 16th February 2025 at Darsham Village Hall. Doors open at 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start. Our guest speaker will be Tatyana Reid. Her talk is entitled "Planetary Nebulae - when imagination enriches observation". The meeting is open to members of the public.
The meeting after that will be an observing evening when members bring along their telescopes for all to use. This will take place on Sunday 2nd March.
We will be observing at Darsham Village Hall Playing Field. Doors will be open from 7:00pm until 9:30pm and members of the public are welcome to join us.
Please note that there has been a change to our plan for future events : - Dr George Seabroke will now be with us on 13th April having swapped with Ian Hobson who will now be presenting on 16th March.
On observing evenings, we will also be in the Hall, where in the event of bad weather there will be workshops to help those with new scopes as well as tea, coffee and a chat on all things astronomical. Members bring conventional telescopes and examples of the newer electronic telescopes for you to see. We will also have one of DashAstro's own telescopes for you to experiment with if you wish.
Why not join us, and have a look at the heavens using specialist equipment, and learn what's going on in our galactic neighborhood?
Please see the Events page for other dates and locations.
With the aid of Westleton Parish Council, we are pleased to
have been of assistance to help obtain Dark Sky Discovery Site Status
for Westleton Common.
Important Notice
On a DashAstro Observing night, observing will be the first priority and our members generously make available their telescopes for visitors to view. We have traditional telescopes of various makes and designs as well as newer electronic, fully automated types.
In order to get the most out of our observing sessions it is important that visitors and members avoid using torches unless they have a red, low intensity filter fitted. We will endeavour to seperate the electronic devices from the conventional telescopes, too, as a further step to reduce the impact of the light from the viewing devices used by the electronic telescope users.
We are able to use the Village Hall on observing evenings so you can warm up inside with a tea or coffee and have a chat with members about all things astronomical.
We will endeavour to give as much notice as possible of any changes to the advertised schedule.

DASH Astro
